Online Therapy
Finding a therapist that you’re comfortable with can be difficult. It is also equally difficult to find a therapist that truly understands the challenges you’re going through who also specializes in couples therapy.
No qualified therapists near you?
Online therapy makes therapy accessible from your own home! Even if we are in the same town, online therapy is a great way to participate in therapy. Imagine… no traffic and you sit in the comfort of your home.
How does online therapy work?
Online therapy works in the same way as face-to-face therapy. I use a secure, confidential video conferencing system via Simple Practice. Many people have used ZOOM or SKYPE and this is similar in terms of videoconferencing.
It will be important that I obtain certain information at the start of online therapy. Information such as your phone number, an emergency contact, your address during the session and whether there is any history of self harm are a few pieces of important information which will be obtained.
Schedule a Free Consultation
Let’s get you scheduled so that we can begin working on your goals. Whether you’re from Wellsboro, Williamsport, Harrisburg, Carlisle, Scranton, or Pittsburgh, PA, we can connect (minus the long drive)!